Kings Priory School
Online Safety
Welcome to Kings Priory School's Online Safety website
Welcome to our Online Safety website. The purpose of this website is to act as a central point for parents and pupils to access supportive information and guidance on e-safety issues aswell as raising awareness of threats and how to respond.
Online safety is of paramount importance for UK school pupils. In an increasingly digital world, children are exposed to a vast array of information and communication platforms. While these platforms can offer incredible learning opportunities, they also present potential risks. Cyberbullying, exposure to inappropriate content, and online predators are just a few of the dangers that children can encounter online. At Kings Priory school we believe teaching pupils about online safety is crucial. It empowers them with the knowledge and skills to navigate the digital world safely and responsibly. This includes understanding the importance of privacy settings, the potential consequences of sharing personal information, and how to report suspicious online activity.
Ultimately, online safety education is not just about protecting children but also about enabling them to make the most of the digital world’s opportunities in a safe and secure manner.

About E-Safety at Kings Priory School
At Kings Priory School we have our own policies and e-Safety guidance to ensure that students and staff remain safe online.
New technologies are now an integral part of the lives of children and young people. Providing our students with opportunities to explore our changing world in exciting, challenging and dynamic ways will support not only the growth of more effective independent learners but also the emergence of students who are equipped with the skills for school, education and the workplace.
Sadly, as opportunities grow the risk to students also grows. As new trends and mobile apps grow in popularity it is vital to ensure that our students are prepared for the attached risks. In order to achieve this, we have established a comprehensive e-safety curriculum built around three key areas:
Awareness of risks
Avoiding risk
Reporting incidents
In order to further support all of our students we have an E-Safety team made up of staff who are support each key stage across the school, headed by our E-Safety officer Mr Kelsey the team are responsible for supporting students across the school, through education and providing support in the event of an incident.
Students and staff are further protected through our range of comprehensive school policies which protect all of Kings Priory’s staff and students.